Wednesday, 22 October 2014

The Fetishes of David Icke

Besides the obvious obsessive interests conveyed by David Icke in his work of the last 20 years: Ariosophy; conspiracy theories; pseudo science; revisionist history; mythology; anti-semitism; mysticism; "love"; aliens and reactionary political ideology, there are two particularly esteemed fetish objects which define two distinct periods of his career.

Icke heralded his arrival as messenger of the gods in 1991 appearing adorned in bright turquoise tracksuit.

Known as his Turquoise period, this transition signified his departure from purely environmental concerns and political action towards more spiritual subjects.

The use of Turquoise appears to have corresponded with his initiation to the practice of channelling through Mari Shawsun and Betty Shine, defined in his writing by the repetition of 'channelled' information and philosophy; warnings of environmental catastrophe; reproductions of spiritual systems of the past, reinterpreting their main idols and repeating their imperatives for the new age; the affirmation of his semi-divine nature as a member of "the evolution called Sons of the Godhead"[1].

In Tales from the Timeloop Icke writes: "I became famous for wearing turquoise clothes because after the experience on the mound I began to want to wear only turquoise, which is a very powerful and sacred colour to many native and esoteric beliefs."

Turquoise beads dating back to 5000 B.C. have been found in Iraq used by royalty and warriors, there is evidence the raw material was being mined in the Sinai peninsula by 2500BC, won from the underworld, brought to the surface, manufactured and traded, a process ongoing throughout the middle ages when Venetian merchants obtained the stones -manufactured from raw material found on the south slopes of the Iranian Al-Mirsah-Kuh Mountains- in Turkish bazaars from whence it's name derives, bringing back the shining stones to Europe for their rarity and resale value.

The earliest uses and industrial extraction known by our historians, took place in and around the region of modern day Egypt where it has been found upon grave furnishings and the death masks of some Pharaohs, Iraq and Iran where it was valued for it's immediately apparent aesthetic qualities aswell as ascribed, intangible fetishized properties; utilized by kings, shamans and warriors for it's assumed value as a channel for power, luck, and divine protection to the wearer, it became a symbol of nobility, wisdom and high social status,

Turquoise gems are most commonly seen today in New Age crystal shops, or adorning the fabulous domed architecture of formerly great Islamic Empires, some of the most striking examples being: Tilla Kari Mosque in Uzbekistan; the Mosque of St Petersburg; upon the facade of Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem; the Goharshad Mosque in the Khorasan province of Iran; and the Blue Mosque known as "The Turquoise of Islam", in the city of Tabriz located in Iran's East Azarbaijan province.

The arrival of the Mughal Empire[1.2] in India brought Turquoise for use in the art & architecture of the period, where it was formerly unknown, it was also sourced and used in Pre-Columbian America in extensive trade networks and used in art by various cultures, particularly the Maya, from which the oldest examples found have been dated to around 700bc. [1.5]

Although David mentions "the esoteric significance" of Turquoise, he never actually explains what it is in his books or -to my knowledge- lectures, he explains how it was used by various nobilities, as those in South America, and that his Zulu Shaman Credo Mutwa wears the colour, but never actually gives an example of
it's "esoteric power" or uses.

Norman Flag, English Royal Arms and Dalmatian coat of Arms on the Right in descending order
His present work, which following a transitional period of conspiracy writing in the nineties and early 21st century, has come to be characterized by his appropriation and fetish of the symbolism of "the Lion", despite retaining many of the earlier 'spiritual' motifs, his later writings are more focused on "The Global Conspiracy", his leadership of a popular conspiracy subculture who come in their thousands to view his sermons at Wembley arena; his repeated calls for revolution & suggestions on how to end "the NWO agenda".

"More than anything at this extraordinary time of transformation, the human race must get off its knees. It has been down there for far too long. ENOUGH! We are All That Is, All Possibility, All Potential, AIl Existence. What are we doing with our knees on the floor and our hands clasped together in worship or pleas for mercy? We are lions, not lambs, and lions refuse to be herded. Stand up, wake up and let's get this sorted. We are lions disguised as sheep; but we don't have to be. The lion within can awaken whenever we choose to set it free."[2]

The development he describes here parallels the development of symbolism apparent in the Safavid Dynasty's flag; going from the golden moon, to a Sheep in front of the Sun, to a Lion in front of the Sun which is an ancient symbol of Mesopotamian origins, one of the oldest examples of which is found on a Greco-Persian seal housed in the British Museum, apparently of King Artaxerxes II worshipping a figure thought to be the Goddess Ishtar, standing upon a Lion in front of the Sun.

Those from England will be no stranger to the symbol, but it's use in History is by no means limited to the country David is from, many other Nations have historically used the emblem on Flags and Coats of Arms, particularly India during the Mughal Empire, Denmark, Dalmatia, Iran, Morocco, Sri Lanka, Finland, Congo aswell as smaller European principalities and states particularly in modern Germany as shown in the standards of Saxony, Hanover, Hesse or Baden Wurtemburg, but also in Leon, Spain; Lyon and Normandy in France, Estonia and many others, where it would frequently represent the dominions of family dynasties such as the House of Welf, or the Normans having come to own lands in opposition to the Holy Roman Empire.

The symbol in heraldry is always indicative of the dominance of Royalty, the "King of Beasts" or "King of the Jungle" representing strength and nobility, was appropriated by various Kings of great renown and military prowess, for example Henry the Lion Duke of Saxony who helped Emperor Frederick Barbarossa wage war against the Lombards and the Papacy, and was awarded ownership of numerous Principalities throughout Germany; "The Black Prince" Edward a founding member of the Order of the Garter who fought numerous battles, utilizing means of Terror such as burning and pillaging towns, villages and farms on his enemies dominions.

Richard I (the Lionheart) of England was a Plantagenet descendent of the Norman Kings who introduced the symbol to the Royal arms of England, he spent more time on Crusades and in Aquitane much like; his father Henry II who ruled various parts of France along with his English territories, fighting over Northumberland with fellow descendent of the Norman's and bearer of the Lion motif; William the Lion of Scotland, Grandson of Scottish reformer King David I who continued to apply the Norman feudal system to governance in Scotland, substantially changing the culture to a system more compatible with the rest of Western Europe.

The first use of the Lion motif in England is apparently by King of the Normans; William the Conqueror Great Grandfather of Henry II, who raised the standard of Normandy in battle, highlighting the fact that "the Lion" prowled the full length and breadth of Europe, and was not confined within the borders of the UK at any point, "Scottish" names most frequently associated with noble families such as Bruce, Gray, Ramsay, Fraser, Ogilvie, Montgomery, Sinclair, Pollock, Douglas and Gordon to name but a few, including the later royal House of Stewart, all have Norman ancestry at some point in their lineage.
The now extinct nation of Dalmatia used the symbolism of Sheep and Lions, it's name derived from the Illyrian word delme or Albanian dele meaning "sheep", highlights the pastoral origin of the Illyrian tribe known to the Romans as the Dalmatae who inhabited the region near Split in Croatia along the Adriatic coast North of Italy, Dalmatia was a Roman Province until around 475ad when the Western Roman empire disintegrated and the Ostrogoth's took ownership of the land.

In the Gothic War of the 6th century the Eastern Byzantine Empire retook the region, but it was greatly reduced following various incursions of the Avars, Magyars and Slavs in the following centuries, from the 9th Century the Franks, Venetian Nobility, Croatian Princes and emerging Hungarian Empire, vied for control with the Byzantine Empire, each asserting their claim, until the the invasion of the Mongols distracted the Hungarians, and internal rivalries of the Capetian and Luxembourgian Royal houses in Croatia, forced the sale of the region to the Venetian Republic.

The coat of arms consisting of three crowned lions open mouthed roaring fiercely betrays a certain historical truth about the region, not to mention a worthwhile lesson for conservationists perhaps endeavouring to keep these predatory beasts in captivity.

As highlighted in a previous entry on this blog; the re-creation of the land, the fetishism and attribution of value, culture and identity foreign to it, was enacted by the irresistible force that the Norman Kings represented in Western Europe, and various forces attempting to assert their claims, 'stamping' their authority upon this small region on the Adriatic coastline.

The Lion as an emblem of Royalty is known to all children who have seen "Bedknobs and Broomsticks", "The Lion King", or who have read "Aesop's Fables"[3], it's use far predates the European Monarchs of the medieval period, being found in ancient stone carvings surviving the ancient Mesopotamian and Egyptian civilizations where venerated images held important fetishized functions; particularly pertaining to Royalty and violent warfare in the Egyptian pantheon, as deified in the forms of: Bast, Mafdet, Menhit, Pakhet, Sekhmet, Tefnut, and the Sphinx.

The symbol has been frequently used in Persia, noteably the theocratic Safavid Dynasty; originators of the "Twelver" school of Shi'a Islam who at their height controlled all of modern Iran, Azerbaijan, Bahrain and Armenia, most of Georgia, the North Caucasus, Iraq, Kuwait and Afghanistan, as well as parts of Turkey, Syria, Pakistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, the symbolism and state they introduced remains in modern day Iran particularly by Monarchist factions in exile as a symbol of opposition to the Islamic Republic.[4]

"Mithra was often portrayed as a winged lion, a symbol for the Sun still used by the secret societies today and a major symbol of the Reptilian hybrids like the British Royal Family. References to the lion and the 'grip of the lion's paw' in the Master Mason Degree of Freemasonry originate with this same stream of Mystery school symbolism. Initiates into the rites of Mithra were called lions...
Mithra was said to be the son (Sun) of god who died to save humanity and give them eternal life. He was called the good shepherd and the vine. One classic symbol of Mithra was as a lion with a snake curled around his body while he holds the key to heaven."[5]

It's use carried similar connotations in the ancient Civilizations of Mesopotamia, including the City states within the Sumerian, Assyrian and Babylonian Empires, more than 100 artistic representations of lions were created in polychrome tiles lining the processional way from the northern entrance of Babylon through numerous gates to the famous "Gate of Ishtar", the entrance point into the extravagant inner city adorned by depictions of Lions, Dragons and other semi-mythical beasts, archaeology from the period depicts important cultural figures such as Ishtar and Gilgamesh exhibiting a degree of mastery over lions, perhaps symbolizing their protection of the nomadic herdsmen exterior to the walled cities.

Is it any wonder military leaders of States such as Mussolini, Himmler and Hermann Goering, were particularly fascinated by this symbol of strength, violence, animalistic brutality and domination?

"The memorial to Rhodes at Cape Town, South Africa, is dominated by the Illuminati symbol of the lion and is located on the slopes of a place called Devil's Peak. Isn't synchronicity wonderful? 

The [Round Table] group consisted, like all similar organisations, of at least two levels. One was the inner circle, the 'Society of the Elect' (in the know), and the outer circle was called the 'Association of Helpers' (not in anything like the same know). 

This is the familiar technique of using a group of largely innocent people to hide and defend, through lack of knowledge, the organisation they think they understand, but don't."[6]

[1]    pg 141,  Love Changes Everything
[1.2]    Mughal empire of India flag:

"A tradition of tiling commenced in Delhi and its environs during the reign of the Lodhi Sultans (1451–1526 CE), the employment of glazed tiles in shades of blue on their buildings marking the first consistent use of tiles here. Later, an increase in tile-work commissions in an expanded palette comprising yellow, green, white, turquoise, and dark blue glaze colours occurred during Mughal rule, especially in the reigns of the Mughal emperors Akbar (1556–1605 CE) and Jahangir (1605–1627 CE). Art and architecture now became to be increasingly influenced by Iran and Central Asia, spurred by the emigration of architects, artisans and craftsmen from these lands (Blair and Bloom, 1995 and Nath, 1989)."

[1.5]    Martin Brennan's The Hidden Maya: A New Understanding of Maya Glyphs, pg 260 appendix 2
[2]    pg 645,  Human Race Get Off Your Knees 2010 
[3]    The Greek Aesop recounted many tales of the "King of Beasts" such as the story of  

The Lion and the Statue:
The Sick Lion
The Lion and the Mouse
The Ass in the Lion's Skin
The Lion's Share
The Four Oxen and the Lion
The Lion in Love
The Lion the Fox and the Beasts


[5] Guide to the global conspiracy and how to end it,  pg 125-126 (2007)
[6] Guide to global conspiracy and how to end it, pg 194-195

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