Part I
Who actually is David Icke
and what exactly does he stand for?
This is probably not a question many people have found themselves
spending a lot of time trying to answer, most will be altogether
unaware of him or his work, a fact lamented by Icke and his followers
which is framed as; the continuing attempt to
“suppress the
quickening vibrations of awakening humanity”[0.7]
or the suppression of truth essential to the
'Brotherhood manipulation of humanity',
“while the versions
presented by 'science' and religion were given free reign”[0.9].
Among those who are aware of him he is not only adored, but
scorned, revered, and mocked in equal measure, to many he will simply be the
ex-Professional footballer turned BBC presenter, who dabbled in
politics with The Green Party before donning a turquoise tracksuit
and hitting the UK talkshow circuit in the early 90's: announcing his
'spiritual awakening', the immanent destruction of the planet, and
his new direction as a spiritual messenger for humanity in
interviews with Fern Britten, Nicky Campbell and Terry Wogan
throughout March- April 1991.
During these first forays into fame he imparted his
'teachings' on: the environment; politics; morality;spirituality; the
mystical forces governing reality; truth; lies and more besides, only
to receive the derisive laughter of the audience, and “
national ridicule”[1] in return.
The media exposure of March/April 1991 came during a very
tumultuous period in his personal life, the previous month he had
“intuitively” flown to Peru, where he describes having an
extremely intense psychotic episode atop a mound in the centre of a
Pre-Incan, Sillustani burial ground, he calls this “
experience that transformed my life”[2], undoubtedly news of
his father's death and burial reaching him while there, and a random
encounter with a mysterious blonde Argentian from La Paz Bolivia, had
no less a dramatic effect on his mental and emotional well-being.
This voyage of discovery appears to have immediately followed one
of numerous meetings with British Canadian Psychic Deborah Shaw, who
he had visited for advanced 'channelling' sessions[3] in Canada, and
with whom he'd been working closely since August 1990 writing Truth
Vibrations, a book largely comprised of channelled information
outlining David's “new age spirituality”, along with
reinterpretations of various religious and historical figures he has
continued to subscribe to and publish in his later work.
Fresh upon his return from “the experience that transformed his
life”, David and his Wife Linda Atherton appeared alongside Deborah
(now called Mari Shawsun, who would later that year have a daughter
by Icke) in a press conference for the UK media, in which Icke
proceeded to introduce himself as “Son of the Godhead”[4]; a
divinely inspired messenger for humanity or channel of a supernatural
force he has since come to refer to as “infinite consciousness”,
endowed with the task of expounding various prophecies of geological
upheaval and natural disasters including the immanent destruction of
the Isle of Arran; the concepts of spiritual hierarchy governing the
“earth's energy matrix”; reincarnation; earth energy; balance and
the human equivalents of these concepts in the body ie the Chakra
system and minds of human beings on national television.
These are
all subjects which came to constitute a significant proportion of all
his later work, forming the basis of his “story of the spiritual
Then, in March 1991, I went over for a third visit to Canada
to work with a channeller, Mari Shawsun. I can remember the time
vividly: it was just as if someone had flicked a light switch.
Suddenly, the David Icke I have just described had taken a step back.
He was still there, but no longer controlling events. I think the
same thing must have happened to Mari also. It was such a strange
feeling. It was as if the real me had become an observer, just
looking on, sometimes in horror, at what was happening.”[4.5]
The media branded the three of them “The Turquoise Triangle”,
the controversial, outlandish nature of his theories combined with
the seriousness of his warnings launched him into the Newspaper
headlines and subsequently public awareness,so that in the midst of
what can surely without exaggeration be called his psychological
disintegration, the media paraded David, subjecting him to the razor
sharp wit of Terry Wogan and public mockery in the name of
entertainment, “
This period of unbelievable ridicule did not
make my subsequent work more difficult; it made it possible.”
I was speaking the words, but all the time I could hear the
voice of the brakes in the background saying, 'David, what the hell
are you saying?'”[5.5]
When you survey the world today ... when a child dies in
this world of preventable disease every two seconds, when the
economic system of this world must destroy the Earth simply for that
system to survive; when you see all the wars, and when you see all
the pain, and when you see all the suffering, is it a force of love
and wisdom and tolerance that is in control of this planet?”[1.5]
Regardless of how coherent some of his concerns actually were, in
the context of the supernatural claims made in the press conference,
-not to mention the mystical way in which he described events;
assuming an overtly religious air while presenting his theories of
forces of negativity and thoughts destroying the planet- a large
majority of the rational secular public were inevitably alienated
from his message, as I too am sympathetic to the concerns he mentions
above, but am alienated by his implicit demand for a dictatorship of
“love wisdom and tolerance” to be put “in control of this
planet”, exerting influence on 'things' is what a “force”
'does' is it not?
These events though apparently earth shattering for David, were
merely the external manifestations of a process which had been
underway at least since writing: “It Doesn't Have to be Like This”
in 1989, about this period he writes: “
I began to feel a
presence around me. When I was in a room alone it felt as if someone
else was there and this went on for months as I continued my work
with the BBC.”, before recounting the story of months later
being in a Newsagents with his Son Gareth, where he was drawn by a
voice in his head to look at a book by psychic and healer Betty
Shine: “
As I stood there, my feet fixed to the spot, I heard a
very clear voice in my mind say: "Go and look at the books on
the far side..... The author' was a professional psychic and 'hands
on' healer and I thought at once of the presence I had been feeling
around me for all these months. Would this lady be able to tell me
what was going on? I read the book in 24 hours and contacted her to
make an appointment.”[6]
Icke's mission to “heal the world” was imparted over four
meetings with her, after having: “
talked with her about other
dimensions or frequencies of existence and a much wider vision of
life and Creation.”[6], obviously indicating David's credulity
to this professional charlatan, “
I was told ... that I would
be given the 'spiritual riches' to, in effect, lift the veil
of illusion that held humanity in servitude. Knowledge would
be put into my mind and at other times I would be led to knowledge,
the psychic told me. 'One man cannot change the world, but one
man can communicate the message that will change the
world'.....I would be led to this knowledge and communicate it
on a global scale. One said: 'Arduous seeking is not
necessary. The path is already mapped out. You only have to
follow the clues'.”[7]
I actually found a copy of Betty Shine's book “Mind Magic”[7.5]
having recognized her name while browsing local charity shop
bookshelves, opening the pages I found the foreword is actually
written by David himself, signed and dated “1990 from the Isle of
Wight”, this two page eulogy which was worth the £1 alone
reiterates the fundamental aspects of the ideology he retains to this
day, he writes:
“Through Betty, I received some astonishing
revelations and predictions of fundamental importance to the future
of humankind... We have lost touch with our spirit, the real us, over
recent centuries and become obsessed with the purely material”.
This opposition to 'the purely
material', (meaning the material/physicalist world view) forms the
basis of many of Icke's apparently disparate opinions on subjects
such as medicine, science, history, education and society to this
day, it's the moralo-religious sub-stance or interpretation of
reality that colours his perspective on historical figures like
Charles Darwin: [see footnote 6]“It is destroying our
values and it is destroying our world and the time has come to take
another path. It is no coincidence that the planet we depend upon for
life in all it's magnificent forms, has been taken to the brink in
the very period in which the spiritual has been suppressed by the
obsession with more material wealth for the few at the expense of the
vast majority.”
This is another aspect of Icke's
worldview which is particularly befitting his pastoral pretensions,
namely; his advocacy of the dispossessed and representation of the
concerns of the “vast majority” of humankind, particularly
in matters where financial freedom and institutions, have come to
negate the power of traditional religious morality to conserve a
particular social and environmental equilibrium.
Based on this we would expect his
theories regarding the English Civil War, French Revolution, American
Wars of Independence, numerous other historical events, historical or
modern Nations he considers opposed to traditional values,
Individuals or families of wealth obtained since the Industrial
revolutions, philosophers who argued in favour of the materialist
worldview, or against religious mysticism, superstition etc,. to be
marked by antagonism towards their rejection of traditional feudal
values[7.55]: “We have lost touch with our spirit, the
giver, and, as a result, we have lost touch with the values of the
spirit, like compassion caring and sharing. Those are the values that
we need now to turn us back from the road to self-destruction, and we
do not have very long to find them. Understanding the mind ,,, holds
the key to the awesome task that we face in our battle for the planet
and the future...It is not just nature we are destroying, it is also
our own souls...It is no coincidence that as we have allowed the
material to dominate the spiritual so emotional problems,,, go up and
up with every year....We are coming to the end of the road both as
people and as a world,,,it is time for a new way of thinking.”
These urgent warnings and hyperbolic
style, delivered beneath a veneer of moralo-religious concern, are
not at all uncommon to David's work in the 20 years following his
earlier contributions, the concerns he outlines here loosely centred
around the environment, in favour of a more spiritual way of life new
ways of thinking etc, are a central theme in all the later work which
I have reviewed, neither has the regressive attitude towards
historical progress shown any sign of abating, rather, more elaborate
conspiratorial schemes have been dreamt up -or derived from the
numerous questionable sources listed in his bibliography- to support
his rejection of human progress and our collective history, the entirety of which he attempts to
frame as a conspiracy enacted by a secret cabal, using gradual
reforms to implement a “totalitarian World Government” in
attempts to dominate every aspect of human life.
In his narrative science and medicine
are used not for their ability to alleviate the suffering of people
diagnosed with mental illnesses, eradicate Smallpox, Polio, Measles,
Rubella or cure cancers, but rather to hurt human beings in numerous ways, and eradicate 'our connection with
God', which he comes to define later in his career as: “Universal
Consciousness”, and Betty Shine calls in similarly Deistic fashion
“Universal Mind”.
Contrary to what medical science is obsessed with
telling us, the physical body is not the whole human being.
It is the fantastic physical shell through which the eternal
us experiences this physical world. There is far more to us
than a body. Creation is the expression of one infinite
mind and all lifeforms are aspects of that one mind: what many
people call God. We are each other. We are all God”[7.6]
The book that contains the most insight to this period is
apparently “Love Changes Everything” and though I haven't been
able to source a copy, excerpts show how far into the practice of
'Channelling' Icke was during the nineties: “
the publication of The Truth Vibrations I have learned so much more
as I have communicated almost daily with Rakorski, the one known as
Lord of all Creation, who is directly responsible for the changes the
Earth will undergo. I also communicate often with the one we know as
Jesus, the Spirit of the Earth, and many others.”[8]
From what little is available online of these first few
productions of a long career, it appears his earlier work was
predominantly based around mystical revelations, stark warnings about
the environment, events that never occured, and reproductions of
religious ideology which he retains in his later work with various
adaptations, which is bolstered by numerous historical and
conspiratorial theories apparently lacking in his earlier books, but
which came to make up the majority of his output from the publication
of The Robot's Rebellion in 1994.
Despite the quantity of unusual, “esoteric” facts littered
throughout his books and superficial appearance of creditability this
bestows upon them, the historical information he provides is far from
exhaustive, in his narrative much is left in shadow, to the
imagination or completely neglected, in his quest to undermine the
“official narrative” his speculations often border on science
fiction, leading to numerous people and events being misrepresented,
instead of factual history David prefers to focus on particular
points of interest to his main thesis, namely the manipulation and
control of human beings for thousands of years, by the hidden forces
of chaos or
imbalance loosely
defined as: the “Illuminati”, “Brotherhood”, “Elite”,
“Black Nobility”, “Hostile E.T's” or “an Interdimensional
Race”, all are symbols embodying this constantly maligned 'negative
force', which the reader is told exerts control over the entire
global economic and political systems from the time of “Atlantis”,
throughout history to this day.
your consciousness is being challenged to reject the
accepted history of humankind, and to see through the smokescreen
that much of it is. This is not always easy when you have been
through the education (indoctrination) system, and the establishment
version of past, present, and future are constantly fed to us through
the media minute by minute.” [9]
Repeating ad-nauseum those aspects of his narrative that lend
credence to his overall theory, he sets about re-framing the
development of the sciences, psychological techniques, international
political cooperation, transcendence of religious mysticism and
development of industrial productive power, as steps towards a
totalitarian world government hell bent on control of the entire
human race,
favouring the repetition
of sensational accusations, along with slander and unfalsifiable
'theories' reproduced against the general idea and most obvious
symbols of historical progress, including more specific targets of
certain political persuasions, family history, genetic lineage or
cultural identity, to substantiate his theories and galvanize
opposition to these “negative forces”.
Numerous participants in
these aforementioned fields, the historical and present day enemies
of David's such as the Rothschild's, Warburg's, Rockefeller's, Peter
Mandelson, Blair, Bush, the Clinton's, Karl Marx, Charles Darwin,
Alfred Milner, etc, are all accused of complicity in numerous
conspiracies, their political leanings, associations and activities
are a good indicator as to Icke's personal ideology which becomes
ever more apparent the more he defines it's enemies.
Re-appearing with Wogan on the BBC in 2006 Icke highlighted what a
formative time this was in his life, expressing his bitterness
towards the people he came to refer to in his books as “The
Sheeple”, he explained: “
I couldn't walk down any street in
Britain without being laughed at by most of the people, going into a
pub caused uproar”, and how this revealed: “
the level of
immaturity that passes for adulthood in this country” since,
humans are little more than controlled clones”, this
antipathy towards the large majority of people in the world is still
revisited consistently in his writing, video presentations and
lectures, and not only by him, but his followers aswell.
History is clearly not what it appears to be, and yet
the official version is being indoctrinated into generation after
generation through the ‘education’ system and the
Brotherhood-controlled media.”[10]
0.7.... TFTTL pg 196
0.9.... TFTTL pg 21
1....TFTTL pg 13
1.5.... transcribed from the only available footage of
the 1991 Wogan interview online
2.... TFTTL pg 11
3.... LCE pg 141,“Then, in March 1991, I went over
for a third visit to Canada to work with a channeller, Mari Shawsun.
I can remember the time vividly: it was just as if someone had
flicked a light switch. Suddenly, the David Icke I have just
described had taken a step back. He was still there, but no longer
controlling events. I think the same thing must have happened to Mari
also. It was such a strange feeling. It was as if the real me had
become an observer, just looking on, sometimes in horror, at what was
taken from
4.... What exactly did he mean by “Son of the
Godhead”? From LCE page 103 taken from
“Some find it hard to accept that there is more
than one Son of the Godhead. They believe that Jesus is the only Son
of God. It is true that Jesus is the most evolved of these beings,
but there are many of this evolution around the universes. Sons and
Daughters of the Godhead carry and channel energies which can have a
very powerful effect on the energy system [of the planet], and they
can also restore links between a planet and the network. They have a
different role to that of a Son of Man, and the two are not the same.
They are created by the Godhead to serve Creation and the energy
system, and are given a particular energy package that allows them to
channel and generate incredibly pure and powerful energies. The more
they evolve the purer and more powerful those energies become. They
also have the ability to stimulate energies in other life-forms when
they travel to or through an area. However, Sons and Daughters of the
Godhead should not be seen as more important or special than anyone
else. They have a role to play, but then so does every single
life-form, nor are they super-human. They struggle with the same
emotions and problems as anyone else.”
4.5..... LCE pg 141
5.... TFTTL pg 14
5.5.... ITLOE pg 193 excerpted from
6..... TFTTL pg 6 he
continues to elucidate his perspective: “ I had always
rejected religion and also the absurd idea pedalled by 'science' that
we are all 'accidents' of 'evolution' who cease to exist at 'death'.
Unbelievable rubbish”...
7..... TFTTL pg 5
7.5.... Guild Publishing 1991
At this point I feel
it may be informative for the reader, if I share a selection of
quotes from HRH Prince Of Wales, Charles Windsor the future King of
England: “during the last three centuries, in the Western
world at least, a dangerous division has come into being in the way
we perceive the world around us...
Science has tried to assume a monopoly - even a
tyranny - over our understanding...
Science has attempted to take over the natural
world from God, with the result that it has fragmented the cosmos and
relegated the sacred to a separate, and secondary, compartment of our
We are only now beginning to gauge the disastrous
results of this outlook. We in the Western world seem to have lost a
sense of the wholeness of our environment, and of our immense and
inalienable responsibility to the whole of creation. This has led to
an increasing failure to appreciate or understand tradition, and the
wisdom of our forebears accumulated over the centuries. Indeed,
tradition is positively discriminated against - as if it was some
socially unacceptable disease”.
As you can see from
this selection of quotes taken from one speech by HRH, the message of
this old word traditionalist is not too dissimilar from the general
message “brought to humanity” by David Icke, infact at it's root
it's a fundamentally similar story about the need for a Spiritual
renaissance in opposition to the excesses of materialism and
“disastrous results of this outlook”, on the tangible environment
and it's intangible “creator”: “Our Environment has
suffered beyond our worst nightmares, in part because of a one-sided
approach to economic development which, until very recently, failed
to take account of the inter-relatedness of creation.”
from A speech by HRH The
Prince of Wales titled 'A Sense of the Sacred: Building Bridges
Between Islam and the West', The Wilton Park Seminar, Wilton Park,
West Sussex Published on 13th
December 1996 available on "his Highnesses" website.
Robot's Rebellion pg 138, “It
inspired scores of ‘people’s revolutions’ and civil wars to
replace the monarchies and it achieved this in the normal way - by
working through both sides to create the conflict and the atmosphere
of unrest. Sometimes the monarch would hold on, more often
the revolution would usher in a people’s dictatorship or
‘democratic government’.”
TTSSYF pg xv of the Introduction to the 21st
Century edition, 2004, these are the opening words of the book:“We
Live in a multidimensional universe, which is part of a
multidimensional and infinite consciousness we call God and
Creation. We are multidimensional beings. Therefore this book
has to be multidimensional if it is to make a significant
contribution to human freedom. It exposes both the daily
manipulation of our lives by a secret clique and presents
the spiritual causes and solutions which will bring true
freedom to Planet Earth and all who live upon her.”
8..... From the 2nd
page of the introduction, taken from
9.... pg194, Ch12, Robot's Rebellion
10.... pg177, Robot's Rebellion